April 17th, 2023
Been a bit lazy updating our site on property front and my son's progress in athletics - He's back on form with an amazing series of 7m + jump including new PB of 7.79m putting him 4th in the UK ranking this year so far and 45th all time for UK - not bad going for a 21 yrs old decathlete recovering from an ankle injury
August 23rd, 2022
This prominent unit has now been let to Pura Vida as a second unit to compliment their successful formula in Exeter's Well Street.
June 15th, 2022
Despite almost no training post an emergency appendix operation Jack successfully depended his title. Conditions were brutal with temperatures in the high 30's from dawn to dusk and precious little shade anywhere and a stinging wind. The wind & the heat hit everyone's 400m & 1500m times so he wasn't at all happy with his score and just missed out on NCAA qualification this year but went to regionals for long jump in Arkansas
March 3rd, 2022
October 6th, 2021
10 Southernhay west had been the home of Jackson Stops since the mid 1980's until their recent move across the road. Acting for the freeholders we have now re let the space to Smart Estate agents continuing that estate agency theme. Stratton Creber were our joint agents. This letting follows close on the heels of the re letting of the 3rd floor of this building after the retirement of the last tenant.
May 18th, 2021
March 1st, 2021
Jack Turner successfully defended his conference crown in Birmingham Alabama -
'Male Field Performer of the Meet – Jack Turner, UTSA, So., Exeter, England
Turner successfully defended his C-USA heptathlon title from 2020 and also captured the bronze medal in the long jump to help UTSA to a third-place finish. The sophomore from Exeter, England scored a career-best 5489 points behind first-place finishes in six of the seven events and a second-place effort in the other. He tallied over 700 points in six events, including four 800-plus performances. Turner also posted a third-place finish in the long jump with a leap of 7.18 meters (23’6.75”) for the Roadrunners.'
January 3rd, 2020
The unit forms part of the former Ambrosia Creamery which was originally opened in 1928 and where in 1936 the process for making canned rice puddings famous to this day was developed. 1- L shaped 10.55 m x 9.0m + 7.1 m x 5.8m = 135.68 sq. m With loading door and pedestrian door and access toArea 2- 7.78m x 5.71m = 44.42 sq. m access door to Area 3- 4.54m x 5.71m = 25.92 sq. m with steps up to mezzanine store 2.48m x 5.86m= 14.53 sq. m Office with entrance door 2.48m x 5.86m = 14.53 sq. m (Inc. cloakroom) Total 235sq m 2529 sq. ft. with parking/ yard area
November 22nd, 2019
[gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="5735,5736,5737,5738,5740,5741,5742,5739" orderby="rand"] It’s unlikely that many people in Exeter are even aware of its existence, but hidden behind Cathedral Close is Notories one of the most remarkable medieval sights in the southwest of England: the 15th century roof of the Law Library is almost a miniature of the great hammer beam roof at Westminster Hall in London. To find such a thing in Exeter is remarkable. Dendrochronology returned a felling date for the oak trees used in its construction as being between 1417 and 1442. It was probably built c1425 during the first years of the reign of Henry VI. Measuring 32ft long with a span of 22ft 9ins and 30ft high, four great arch-braced trusses divide the roof into three bays. The eight horizontal hammer beams terminate in carved angels. The two angels at each end of the roof carry books and are turned slightly inwards, the others clutch shields painted with heraldic devices. The angels aren't merely decorative additions as each hammer beam was carved from a single piece of wood. The hall is a Grade I listed structure and a Scheduled Ancient Monument of national importance. It is described in a recent archaeological report as "one of the outstanding structures of its kind in the country", and hopefully it will now receive the wider attention that it so fully deserves.
November 4th, 2019
After long negotiation with Lloyds Bank we finally acquired the former Lloyds Bank branch. A fascinating property part of which is a circa 1700 3 storey house with rusticated quoins . The other half is later plain early C18th House